Channel: If Liz were Queen » Romney
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Watch the full 28 minute video of the Bain Capital Story while you can.

The Bain Capital ad could well prove to be the undoing of them all.

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Romney is in for a crippling fall from grace in South Carolina

Gingrich surges far ahead of Romney.

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Gingrich better hope that he wins SC with a knockout today

There is no way that the Republican leadership did not know that Santorum won the Iowa Caucus before the New Hampshire primary. All this is going to do is make Romney even more unpopular.

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Who was the biggest liar last night? Gingrich or Romney?

Who what the biggest liar last night depends on the criteria being used to measure the lying. If it's volume then Romney wins because he told the most. However if it's magnitude of the lie then maybe...

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The pinnacle of Mitt Romney’s hypocrisy in the 2012 campaign

Mitt Romney could not even see and still can't see what he has become. I still can't get over the fact that he was so convinced that the was going to win that he had gone to the expense of having a...

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One of the reasons why Romney and the GOP lost.

The GOP seem to forget that we have become a nation of fact-checkers.

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A comment on: How President Obama Won a Second Term

Obama won by default--yes, he was lucky that an ass as big as Romney ran against him.

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The real shortage is in employers willing to pay market wage–not a shortage...

We have to work hard to keep up with uncovering the lies and deceptions that come out of the mouths of the leadership of BOTH parties. Please remember that Mitt and Barack have at least one thing in...

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Tonight on the Ed Show we meet the man who recorded Romney’s 47% comment

On HuffPost this morning, in an article titled "How Bill clinton Inspired the 47 percent Filmmaker", the author compared Bill Clinton's behavior to that of entitled Mr. Romney. The man, who tended bar...

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It’s OK if we ban guns. It’s just not OK if that black guy does it.

Racism in America where? Disclaimer:  This is NOT an endorsement for about 85% of everything that our current crony capitalism cheerleading president has done. . .that being said, it does not mean that...

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